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With a “breaking news” type of month, we have been having a lot of conversations with people about the Coronavirus and stock market turbulence.
The main question we are receiving is: “What should I be doing right now? Should I get out?”
When we (you and us!) put the investment in place, we were anticipating periods of time exactly like these. So, the investments you hold right now have factored in market corrections just like what we’re experiencing now. If you needed to sell from an investment position, it would already have been recommended to you as part of your financial plan.
For us to recommend a quick sell right now, would not serve your big picture, long term. It would be inconsistent and reactionary – against our values and against our investment philosophy.
On the contrary, if you have cash on hand that could benefit from long-term investment – it would be a good time to get the ball rolling.
When you schedule your review, we discuss what’s happening in the economy, your investment performance and our philosophy. We also draw you back to your initial goals and financial plan.
Call us to setup your Spring Review: 330-893-0113.